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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

Gennext Materials and Technologies, LLC (GMT) is a small business that has been established with the objective of performing research leading to commercialization in the areas of sustainable materials for energy and environment. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals of GMT are:

  • Focus on scholarly activity for all members of the communities

    • Perform state-of-the-art research

    • Provide opportunities for education and training

    • Disseminate knowledge through presentation and talks at schools, colleges, industry, and conferences. 

  • Enhance an inclusive, equitable, and collaborative environment

    • Encourage and promote cross flow of ideas across various tiers of knowledge levels: Reserchers, Post-docs, PhDs, Masters, Undergraduates, and K 12 students.

    • Promote interdisciplinary mentorship and collaboration

  • Promote global engagement

    • Participate and collaborate with researchers and educators globally.

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